Law Firm Consulting Albany NY
Interested in Hiring Gold Law Firm to Assist Your Firm?
Whether you need businesses services or help researching a case, Gold Law Firm is proud to help. Sarah Gold has years of experience and can offer the knowledgeable assistance you need.

Advanced Legal Research – Get that Helping Hand Now
Are you swamped with research for that big case? Gold Law Firm has years of experience doing complex research, not only legal but general. Contact the firm today and let them get the information you need to win that case for your client.
Ethics and Social Media
Need to understand how Facebook, Twitter, and other social media affect attorneys? Sarah Gold, an expert, has given a number of CLE seminars of various lengths. Contact her now to book her to teach at your organization.
Of Counsel
Too much work and not enough resources? Gold Law Firm would be happy to speak to you about being Of Counsel to your firm and give you that helping hand with many legal services. They have transaction-subject experience including business, contracts, employment and health care.
Technological Consulting Needs
Looking to improve your law firm’s back-office processes and technology? Do you want to spend more time on your clients and less on managing your practice?
Call Today to Learn More
If your law firm needs assistance, call 518-213-2345. You can also contact Gold Law Firm by emailing the firm with your questions or to schedule an appointment.